TPOV6 Select a function, F1 for Help -or- [ESC] to Exit U C O M M A N D M E N U Qmodem SST BEFORE Alt-D Phone Directory Alt-G Term Emulation. DURING Alt-C Clear Screen Alt-F Execute Script Alt-Q QuickLearn Mode Alt-S Split Screen Alt-T Screen Dump Scroll-back ^Home Capture File Send BREAK Upload Files Download Files ^PgUp PgUp (alternate) ^PgDn PgDn (alternate). AFTER Alt-H Hang-up Modem Alt-X Exit Qmodem. SETUP Alt-A Translate Tables Alt-J Function Keys Alt-K Change COM Port Alt-N Configure Qmodem Alt-P Change Baud Rate. DOS Alt-L Change Drive Alt-O Change Directory Alt-R DOS Shell Alt-V View/Edit File Alt-W List Directory Alt-Y Delete a File TOGGLES Alt-0 Session Log Alt-1 Backspace DEL/^H Alt-5 Host Mode Alt-8 Hi-Bit Stripping Alt-9 Printer Echo Alt-B Beeps and Bells Alt-E Half/Full Duplex Alt-I Order Information Alt-M ANSI Music Playing Alt-U Scroll-back Record Alt-Z Xon/Xoff Flow-ctrl. Alt-= DoorWay Mode ShTab CR/CRLF Mode Alt-2 80x25 (EGA/VGA) Alt-4 80x43/50 (EGA/VGA) COPYRIGHT The Forbin Project, Inc. Post Office Box 702 Cedar Falls, IA 50613 C Press the key combination you need help with -or- [ESC] to Exit u<;uM " 9 A X ` w QMODEM.PRE F Edit Function Key Entries [F10] to Save [ESC] to Abort changes A Valid Edit Keys : INS - Insert mode Toggle - Field UpC DEL - Delete Character - Field DownC - Character Left ^ - Word LeftD - Character Right ^ - Word RightH Special Characters : ^M = [ENTER] ^~ = second delayU A Normal Shift Ctrl AltU Function Key File Allocation New KEY file Function Key Assignment - [1-4] to Display/Edit -or- [ESC] to Exit Key File is E 1 - Normal 2 - Shift 3 - Ctrl 4 - Alt L - Load ESC - Exit Your Choice ? Definitions for Normal F-keys Shift F-keys Ctrl F-keys Alt F-keys >2QLu 2Q<1u Type : Invalid KEYWORD or TOKEN DOWNLOAD Filename expected WORD or LABEL expected STRING length 0 STRING expected WORD expected UPLOAD Filename expected INTEGER expected DRIVE Letter A..Z expected"SETCOMM Keyword or Letter expected SCRIPT Filename not found UPLOAD Filename does not exist RETURN SCRIPT Filename not found Off Screen Coordinates(Invalid UPLOAD keyword or keyword option*Invalid DOWNLOAD keyword or keyword option Target LABEL cannot be a KEYWORD WORD or STRING expected LABEL not found TURNON Keyword(s) not found GRAPHICS Keyword not found TURNOFF Keywords(s) not found CAPTURE Filename not found LOADFON Filename not found LOADKEY Filename not found LOG Filename not found ON or OFF parameter expected!FLUSH keyword not KBD, COM or ALL Too many WHEN's defined SCRIPT/GOSUB nested too deep SYSTEM parameter not "Y" or "X" STRING VARIABLE expected STRING not defined FON Filename does not exist FKEY Filename does not exist PORT selection invalid Invalid IF Opcode GETSCR Nested too deep Too many PUSHes Insufficient space for String'INTEGER value required for INCR or DECR EGA value must be 25, 43 or 50 INVALID OPENFILE mode File already open ERROR opening FILE FILE not open FILE not open for READ FILE not open for WRITE/APPEND ERROR Writing to FILE ERROR Reading from FILE ERROR Opening Script File Invalid Substitute VARIABLE Substitute Line too long Line too long Invalid LABEL or misplaced ColonU Sorry, that function is not available. Script Error! GOTO/GOSUB LABEL = TIMEOUT LABEL = File : Row : Col : Line : Press any key to Edit file U ASSIGN ATWRITE BREAK CAPTURE CHDIR CLOSEFILE CLRSCR COLOR COLORBG COLORFG DEBUG DELAY DISPLAY DISPLAYLN DOWNLD DOWNLOAD DRIVE EXIST FLUSH GETNR GETSCR GOSUB GOTOXY GRAPHICS HANGUP INKEY LOADFON LOADKEY OPENFILE PAUSE PUTSCR READFILE RETURN SCRIPT SETCOMM STAMP STRING SYSTEM TIMEOUT TURNOFF TURNON UPLOAD WAITFOR WAITUNTIL WINDOW WRITE WRITEFILE WRITELN y U REWRITE APPENDU _EOF_U Timeout looking for " Last chars received " Script haltedU ( 5 > K [ c h m v """J"f" $.$<$A$K$U$a$s$ %)%3%H%`%i%n% &0&A&K&P&h& '5'N'g'|' (!(+(D(R(i(n( )$)))3)C)Z)h)r){) ***@*Z*h*r*|* +,+<+X+t+ ,9,Q,g,l,q, -*-1-Q-V-[-q-{- .,.>.I.y. .$/ Saving message U >2QYt >2QCu >2QAu QMHOST.HDR No messages to read. QMHOST.MSG Messages from Start with Msg # ? SYSOP Msg# : To : (killed) (private) (public) From : Subj.: D&T : Error reading Detail file (R)eply , (K)ill , (Q)uit, [ENTER] next msg > REPLY...U >2QKul 2Q ASCII not allowedU Enter Filename to Download > +Wildcards not allowed for selected protocol3 Begin your Download Procedure. CTRL-X to Cancel. File does not exist.U Enter Filename to Upload > Begin your Upload Procedure. CTRL-X to Cancel. Wildcards not allowed File already exists.U - More - [C]ontinue, [N]onStop , [S]top? U .5 minutes without activity -- Logging you off. 5 minutes without activityL CAUTION! You will be logged off if you do not continue within 60 seconds!, Log-On Time Limit Expired! Disconnecting. Log-On Time Limit Expired! ??-??-?? U QMHOST.DIR --- FILE LIST --- ------ END ------ Press any key to continue...U LOGON in progress Please enter your FIRST name : 3Please call back using 8-N-1 as your COMM settings. Please enter your LAST name : Password : U 'QMODEM HOST by The Forbin Project, Inc. PRELOG.HST2You have connected to Qmodem running in Host Mode.U Incoming Call. Press any key to Cycle Caller dropped(Line noise received. Connection dropped1Caller dropped carrier before baud rate detectionU Error, Carrier detected. Waiting for call...U QMHOST.PWD Hang up and await CALLBACK Dialing @HOST CALLBACK Number > Welcome @HOST CALLER > Password does not match Password : QMHOST.PWD file created. Adding you as a NEW USER.! Sorry, this is a closed system. 0 ; NEW USERU Enter password for Shutdown > U $Enter password for "Shell to DOS" > QMHOST.BAT You are now Chatting with the Sysop Chatting with . [F2] to Exit Chat Returning you to Host Mode Press [F2] to acknowledge Page ( Paging Sysop. Press any key to abort Sysop is not answering Page.U "********** HOST STARTED **********' [F1] Local Logon [ESC] to Exit Host SYSOP @HOST CALLER > SYSOP on Locally User $ [F2] Chat [F5] DOS [F10] Hangup Warning, minutes before logoff. Menu.HST Host Menu ----------------- U - Upload D - Download F - File List R - Read Messages E - Enter Message G - Goodbye& O - Open Script (requires Password) P - Page Sysop& S - Shell to DOS (requires Password) min. left) Command : U,D,F,R,E,G,O,P,S > Time limit exceeded. Keyboard timeout! QMHOST.SCR QMHOSTL.SCR LOGOFF.HST Goodbye @HOST HANGUP > Invalid Choice. Try Again. "*********** HOST ENDED ***********U |ECE F%F*F4FLFgF{F G/GCGUGZGdGxG H)H;HNHbH{H I#I8IVIjI~I J)J.JIJ Scroll Back Dump File Allocation Saving &*--* Qmodem Scroll Back Dump File *--* * Error saving Scroll Back to Scroll Back saved to )Error creating the Scroll Back Dump File.U SCROLL-BACK PgDn PgUp PgUp PgDn 0 [F1]Help [S]ave [C]lear [ESC]Exit Queued U No Scroll Back Data! * L V e QMODEM.EXEU QMODEM.EXE Error = The QMODEM.EXE file was not found in via the SET environmentD variable or in the PATH. This must be available to save the memory, configuration. No changes have been saved.U !You must EXIT/SAVE and restart to make the memory change active.! -- Press any key to continue --U NONE STRIP ADD LF ADD CR QMODEM.EXE Error = The QMODEM.EXE file was not found in via the SET environmentD variable or in the PATH. This must be available to save the memory, configuration. No changes have been saved.U 0 A Q!n! $,$=$J$V$[$n$"%-%?%D%V%[%m%r%{% Protocols * Change the External Protocols 0 - Modify external protocol Select character . Enter new Select character. Must be UNIQUE! Protocol2 Enter the name of the protocol. 1-12 characters Upload BAT- Enter the name of the Upload BATCH filename Download BAT/ Enter the name of the Download BATCH filename Filename Prompt. Requires a filename when Downloading [Y/N] ? 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - ASCII Options * Set ASCII Transfer Options Receive ASCII Receive Options "Use INPUT Translate Table ? Translate in-coming characters with the INPUT Translate Table Carriage Return Handling? NONE, STRIP (remove from stream) or ADD LF (after each CR) LineFeed Handling@ NONE, STRIP (remove from stream) or ADD CR (before each LF) Transmit ASCII Transmit Options #Use OUTPUT Translate Table @ Translate out-going characters with the OUTPUT Translate Table Pacing Speed= Delay (in milliseconds) to wait between each character sent pAcing CharacterE Character (in decimal) before sending one line of text (0 for none) Blank Line Expansion: Blank lines ('') changed to one SPACE ' ' before sending End of Line CharacterJ Character (in decimal) that designates the EOL, usually 13(CR) or 10(LF) Files Change the default Filenames ,Online Help * ( Set Online Help Filename and Directory Screen Dump *( Set Screen Dump Filename and Directory Capture *$ Set Capture Filename and Directory Log( Set Session Log Filename and Directory BackScroll *' Set BackScroll Filename and Directory ViewK Set View/Edit Program/Path Internal Editor [@FSE ] External [@EDITOR ] Options . Change optional parameters for "fine tuning" Toggles * ) Change the defaults that can be Toggled Xon/Xoff flow0 Set initial state of the XON/XOFF flow control bios Video mode. Set initial state of the BIOS display method PCjr mode' Set initial state of the PCjr support Beeps & Bells" Set initial state of the Speaker Linefeed after CR ( Set initial state of the Auto Linefeed ANSI music player- Set initial state of the ANSI Music support CTS signal/ Set initial state of the CTS/RTS flow control CTS when Writing6 Set the state of the CTS Signal when Writing to Disk Redial sets baud- Set initial state of the AutoBaud Detection DEL/^H Backspace4 Set the mode of the Backspace key. OFF=^H ON=DEL aUto start log' Turn LOGing on when Qmodem is started Snow checking( Set initial state of the Snow checking Growing windows* Set initial state of the Growing Windows sTatus line' Show the Status line in Terminal mode FIFO during Shell0 Enable the 16550 UART FIFO buffer during Shell Keypad emulation@ With NUMLOCK ON, Keypad keys send Terminal Emulation esc codes Memory Set Memory Requirements Lines of Scroll-back . Total lines for Scroll-back. Range 0 - 1000 Script variables (K); Space reserved for Script Variables (in K). Range 1 - 64 Editor memory (K)5 Space reserved for the Editor (in K). Range 1 - 60 Download Buffer0 Set the Download Buffer Blocks. Range 8 - 240 Overlay Buffer (K)A Set additional Overlay Buffer allocation (in K). Range 0 - 200 Sounds * 3 Change Tones for Upload, Download, and Connection Connect tones 1 - Set Tone 1. Range 0 - 9999 Set Tone 2. Range 0 - 9999 Set Tone 3. Range 0 - 9999 Upload tone " Set Upload tone. Range 0 - 9999 Download tone$ Set Download tone. Range 0 - 9999 Delays * Change Timing Delays Status window H Set Status window duration (in hundredths of a second). Range 0 - 999 File transfers6 Set added timeout value (in seconds). Range 0 - 999 Emulation ' Change the default Terminal Emulation Characters * 4 Miscellaneous display characters you can customize Date Separation@ Character to separate Date fields. Default '/'. to Change Time Separation@ Character to separate Time fields. Default ':'. to Change ? Character in Status Line when ON. Default ' to Change ANSI Music? Character in Status Line when ON. Default ' to Change Status Line Filler J Character used as filler in the Status Line. Default ' to Change Phone Book Tag? Character to show Tagged entries. Default ' to Change Notes TagM Character to show Attached Notes in Phone Book. Default ' to Change Exit $ Abandon changes -or- Save & Exit Abandon& Do NOT save changes to Disk and Exit Save Changes Save changes to Disk and Exit U ) D I n w !6!;!`!i!x! "$")"8"T"Y"h" #%#4#P#U#d# $$$@$E$J$Y$t$y$ %/%4%C%_%d%s% &$&3&O&T&c& '#'?'D'S'o't' (3(8(](f(u( )!)&)5)Q)V)[)j) *$*@*E*T*p*u* +9+>+c+l+{+ ,+,0,U,^,m, ---I-N-]-y-~- .$.@.E.T.p.u.z. Setup Menu Colors * $ Change the way Qmodem looks to you Custom colors $ Choose your own color combinations A - Pulldown normal text& Alter the screen color for this area B - Pulldown first letter C - Pulldown selection bar D - Pulldown window border E - Pulldown edit field F - Window border G - Window primary text H - Window secondary text I - Window Scroll Bar J - Screen border K - Screen text L - Information text M - Status line N - Online Help border O - Online Help text P - Editor primary text Q - Editor marked text R - Editor window border Blue shades Select a Blue shade of colors Purple shades! Select a Purple shade of colors Red shades Select a Red shade of colors Monochrome shades Use with a Monochrome display LCD Laptop shades Use with an LCD Laptop display Modem Change the Hardware settings Communication Parameters + Change Hardware communications parameters A - Default baud rate Change the default Baud rate B - Default data bits Change the default Data bits C - Default parity Change the default Parity D - Default stop bits Change the default Stop bits /E - Command before baud change * P Command(s) sent BEFORE Baud rate change. "^~"=.5 second delay, "^M"=ENTER key F - Command after baud change *O Command(s) sent AFTER Baud rate change. "^~"=.5 second delay, "^M"=ENTER key G - Cycle delay ** The delay (in seconds) between each call H - Timeout delay *3 The delay (in seconds) before cancelling the call I - Modem command delay *I The delay (in milliseconds) between character transmitted while Offline J - Serial port The COM port to use Modem Commands * Change modem Result Codes 2Initialization Command D Command to initialize modem. "^~"=.5 second delay, "^M"=ENTER key Prefix Dial Command= Command that begins the dial command. "^~"=.5 second delay Suffix Dial CommandK Command that ends the dial command. "^~"=.5 second delay, "^M"=ENTER key Connect Message% Message from modem after connecting 1st Error Message. Message(s) from modem when failing a connect 2nd Error Message 3rd Error Message 4th Error Message Abort Dial Command@ Command to abort a call. "^~"=.5 second delay, "^M"=ENTER key Hangup CommandD Command to hangup the modem. "^~"=.5 second delay, "^M"=ENTER key Redial Cancel Text9 Text received from the modem to cancel a Redial session. Port Addresses ) Change serial port Base Address and IRQ A - COM1 Base Base Port address (in HEX) B - COM2 Base C - COM3 Base D - COM4 Base E - COM5 Base F - COM6 Base G - COM7 Base H - COM8 Base I - COM1 IRQ Interrupt Request (in HEX) J - COM2 IRQ K - COM3 IRQ L - COM4 IRQ M - COM5 IRQ N - COM6 IRQ O - COM7 IRQ P - COM8 IRQ Dirs * Change the default Directories Upload! Change default Upload Directory +Download # Change default Download Directory Scripts" Change default Scripts Directory Host * Change Host Mode options Type of System/ [Enter] to toggle - OPEN, CLOSED or CALLBACK 1Download Dir Download file directory path Upload Dir Upload file directory path Maximum Time@ Set the Maximum time (in minutes) per session. Range 1 - 1440 DOS Password1 Password required to "Shell to DOS" from remote Shutdown Password3 Password required to shut System down from remote Init Command- Text sent to initialize the modem for calls Answer CommandA Command to Answer a Call. "^~"=.5 second delay, "^M"=ENTER key OK MessageI Response when Init is successful. "^~"=.5 second delay, "^M"=ENTER key Ring Detect, Message from modem when a RING is detected Busy Command1 Command to place modem Off-Hook for local logon U NONE Option 1 ption 2 ption 3 Field in Edit Not in Edit Help Window Text color Full Screen Edit Normal Text Marked Text Frame Color Primary window text Secondary text Scroll Bar text Information message text* Status Line A Move Indicator with the arrow keys, ENTER accepts - ESC aborts Pulldown normal text Pulldown first letter Pulldown selection bar Pulldown window border Window border Window primary text Window secondary text Screen border Screen text Information text Status line Edit Field Scroll Bar text Online Help border Online Help text Editor primary text Editor marked text Editor window frame Sample Screen U TTY ANSI VT100U D Q _ r Ymodem/G Batch ++ Protocol : Ymodem/G Upload G Xmodem-1K/G ++ Protocol : Xmodem-1K/G Upload F Ymodem Batch ++ Protocol : Ymodem Upload Y Xmodem CRC ++ Protocol : Xmodem CRC Upload C Xmodem ++ Protocol : Xmodem Upload X Xmodem-1K ++ Protocol : Xmodem-1K Upload O U ++ File ++ File @ Cancelled by Receiver U ++ Protocol : ASCII Upload A Uploading [ESC] to Terminate O Outgoing Text Incoming Text Outgoing Text Incoming Text File Transmitted ++ Transfer Successful.U Upload Executing . Upload Executing Error loading ++ External Batch Failure.U Upload Protocols - Ascii - Xmodem - Xmodem CRC - Xmodem Relaxed - Xmodem-1K - Ymodem (batch) - Xmodem-1K/G - Ymodem/G (batch) External Your Choice ? 9 Select a Protocol for the File Transfer. [ESC] to Exit ! 8 = E W!i!n! #)#M#U#m#u# $-$5$M$U$m$u$ %7%?%j%r% &>&U&m&r& '/'8'K'W' ++ Chars Per Second : ++ Effective Percent : U Upload File Allocation Upload File U Upload (:) Blk Err CPS % Time Upload File (transmit) Filename : Protocol : Total Blocks : Blocks Sent : Bytes Sent : Elapsed Time : Average CPS : Efficiency : Error : Status Msgs : 0 % complete 100 , Upload in progress. Press [ESC] to Abort U Cancelled Zero Bytes Disk Read Error Receiver Abort File too large Waiting for NAK Sending Header Sending EOT SUCCESS File Open Error Abort by SENDER ++ Upload Aborted.U % ? G c k Download Protocols 9 Select a Protocol for the File Transfer. [ESC] to Exit Free Space - Ascii - Xmodem - Xmodem CRC - Xmodem Relaxed - Xmodem-1K - Ymodem (batch) - Xmodem-1K/G - Ymodem/G (batch) External Your Choice ? ++ Protocol : Xmodem-1K Download O Xmodem-1K Download A # Press [ESC] to terminate Download ++ Protocol : ASCII Error writing to file(Probable cause : Disk or Directory full File Saved!No DATA received. File not saved Error creating the file=Probable causes: Invalid Filename or Disk/Directory was fullU Download Path Allocation Download G Download Y "Batch Download Protocol : Ymodem/G Batch Download Protocol : Ymodem Reading Header Ymodem/G Batch Ymodem Batch ++ Filename ++ Protocol : Xmodem CRC Download C ++ Protocol : Xmodem Download X Xmodem Relaxed Xmodem CRC Xmodem ++ Protocol : Xmodem-1K/G Download F Xmodem-1K/G 8Cannot change Terminal Emulation from Split Screen mode. Terminal Emulation Current = ) Select emulation mode, or [ESC] to Exit VT100 - TTY - ANSI - VT100 Your Choice ? Graphics TTY Graphics ANSI Graphics VT100 ^2QXu The Forbin Project, Inc. Post Office Box 702 Cedar Falls, IA 50613GQmodem represents many, many hours of work. Please help fight the highHcost of computer software by supporting the "Shareware" concept. If youHfind this program of value, a registration of $30 is in order. No otherJremuneration may be accepted for Qmodem except by The Forbin Project, Inc.0Thank you for registering your copy of Qmodem. ATE1Q0V1M1H0S0=0^M ATA^M ATM0H1^M PASSWORDU QMODEM.INIU QMODEM.INIU QMODEM.CNFU >)FYt >WDYt >YDYt QMODEM.CNF!Error saving the file QMODEM.CNF.!Probable cause: Invalid Filename. Error code=(Probable causes: Disk or Directory FULL.U QMODEM.CNFU QMODEM INSTALLATION PART 1KThe file QMODEM.CNF was not found in the current directory or the directoryKpointed to by the Environment variable "QMODEM=", so it is assumed this isKa new installation. A few questions will be asked to determine how QmodemKshould be setup for you. Please follow the directions and this will only take a few minutes. Display adapter detected : Monochrome Unknown'Press any key to test for video snow > #Did your screen look fuzzy ? [Y/N] .Do you want to use BIOS screen writes ? [Y/N] .Do you have a Color monitor connected ? [Y/N] U CONNECT NO CARRIER NO DIAL TONE VOICE ATE1Q0X1V1S7=60^M ^~^~^~+++^~^~^~ATH^M ATE1Q0V1M1H0S0=0^M ATA^M ATM0H1^M QMODEM.HLP PASSWORD SCREEN.DMP CAPTURE.CAP QMODEM.LOG SCROLL.SAVU QMODEM INSTALLATION PART 2I The window above is the "Alt-N Setup Menu". With it, you can customizeK almost every part of Qmodem. Go through all of the options now to finishH the installation procedure. When you are through, select Exit/Save to' write out the new configuration file.B Press ENTER to Edit the selected option or open a SubMenu.A Press ESC to abort the changes made or close the SubMenu. Option A * Selections that are followed by the character6 Option B have SubMenus below them. Sub Option B1 * Selections that are followed by the * characterN Sub Option B2 take effect immediately. To save the change, youK Sub Option Other * still have to use Exit/Save from the top Menu. I The Status Line will always give you help on9 the option you are changing. 5 _ r LoadKEY $IO error creating Function Key file Probable causes: Disk FULL.U ??-??-?? U Volume is Disk has no Volume Label.U ( Tap any key to continue, [ESC] to exit U / Filename Bytes Time Date XmitTime Place disk in drive and press any key Path : :\. Key in a Filename, * ? are valid. [CR] = *.* Use Pattern *.* No Matching Files Free space = bytes U >6QCs8 + 0 B G P U &;UQ| &;EOr Prefixes > U 5Entries Dial FONCSPACE - Tag/Untag ENTER - Starts Dialing F - Find Text@C - Clear Tagged ESC - Cancel/Exit A - Find Again:E - Edit Prefixes M - Manual Dial L - Load@Q - QuickLearn O - Other Info;R - Revise Edit P - Print:T - Tag Multiple N - Attached Note S - Sort:U - Untag All V - Linked Script ^U - Undo SPACE ENTER Page Total Tags > [D] Name$Password LastCall Total P D$ Number COM Script U BREAK 5 [C]ycle [K]ill [X]tend Timer -or- [ESC] to Exit U Manual Cycle Number has been un-tagged ESC pressed, Dialing aborted Dial timing period expired Line busy or modem timed out"CONNECTED, press a key to continue Redial pausing&Dialing halted. Incoming call detected Seconds remain until Cycle# [C]ycle Next -or- [ESC] to Exit Name : Last On : Number : Total # : Script : Attempt : Modem : Start : Status : Current :U Connected With : ++ Phone Number : ++ Comm Speed : U 2Q I Enter line #'s, P[prefixes]#[suffixes], T[text] -or- [ESC] to Abort U Manual Dial Phone number > 6 Enter the phone number to call -or- [ESC] to Abort U Find Text Search for > 2 Enter the text to scan for -or- [ESC] to Abort Text not found U No more matches U Clear Entries and/or Notes Notes Only Entries & Notes Return to Directory Your Choice ? H [1] Clear Attached Notes [2] Clear Entries and Notes [ESC] Abort CLEARING U Qmodem Phone Book Page File : K Name Number Com ScriptU Qmodem Copyright (C) The Forbin Project, Inc. Print Phone Book Device or File > < Enter the destination device or filename. [ESC] to Abort Invalid Device or Filename SORTING U Phone Book Commands F1 Help Text found in attached NoteD Move Bar : PgUp/Dn ^PgUp/Dn [ENTER] to Dial [ESC] to Exit Dial " "+Script file must be specified to QuickLearn MANUAL DIAL > U 2QYt Error saving to Screen Dump File Allocation!*--* Qmodem Screen Dump File *--*$Error creating the Screen Dump file.#Did you enter a valid DOS filename? *--* Qmodem Screen Dump *--* Screen Dump saved to "Error saving the Screen Dump file. Is disk or directory full?U Qmodem DOS ShellU View File Allocation @EDITOR @FSE View Execution DOS " DEBUG Status Internal Use Only 5 ---Type------Total------Alloc------Free-------High-- Fudge Screen Script Scroll Edit OvrBuf FreeList Stack Used FreeMin CheckSnow MemAvail DirectVideo MaxAvail DESQview DESQview n/a ComSaveVec InterruptVec UART IER UART MCR UART IIR UART MSR UART LCR UART LSR PICMSK PICMSK2 Int Trips LXXX 16550L U QMODEM PATHU >)FYt Warning! K [Y]es - Drop DTR and Exit [N]o - Continue [X] - Leave DTR up and Exit 2 Memory requirements changed. Do you want to Exit- and restart to put them in effect ? [Y/N/X] 2QLGNu Backspace is ^H TurnOFF BS_DEL Backspace is DEL TurnON BS_DELU Half Duplex Full Duplex TurnON ECHO TurnOFF ECHOU Scroll Back ON Scroll Back OFF TurnON SCROLL TurnOFF SCROLLU Hi-Bit ON Hi-Bit OFF TurnON 8_BIT TurnOFF 8_BITU Add LF ON Add LF OFF TurnON LINEFEED TurnOFF LINEFEEDU Beeps & Bells ON Beeps & Bells OFF TurnON NOISE TurnOFF NOISEU Printer ON Printer OFF TurnON PRINT TurnOFF PRINTU Xon/Xoff ON Xon/Xoff OFF TurnON XON/XOFF TurnOFF XON/XOFFU Music ON Music OFF TurnON MUSIC TurnOFF MUSICU Hangup Command entered. Sending Hang-Up command HangUpU Drive U Warning - Low Memory Heap bytes available : Config bytes requires : Overall Reduction % : Download buffer blocks : !Error allocating DOWNLOAD Buffer! Script buffer bytes : Edit buffer bytes : Scroll-back lines : U Scroll-Back lines available : Error allocating FUDGE test Error allocating SCRIPT test Error allocating EDITOR testU Qmodem SST 1Copyright (C) 1984,89 -- The Forbin Project, Inc. Registered to : /R Restart, Modem Init not sent2You are ONLINE, Send Modem Initialization [Y/N] ? JError determining UART. Possible UART failure or incorrect Port selected. 16550 UART FIFO enabled 16550A UART FIFO enabled Enhanced KBD mode disabledU Capture File Closed TurnOFF CAPTURE Capture File Allocation'*--* Qmodem Session Capture File *--* Error creating the Capture file Probable cause: invalid filename Error appending to Capture file *--* Qmodem Capture File *--* Capture Session to ON Capture Capture OFFU TurnOFF LOG Log File Allocation Error creating the Log file$Probable cause: Invalid DOS filename Error appending to the Log file Logging to ON Log Logging OFFU QMODEM.EXE Error in Registration Code Registered to: (Please enter your Registration Name : (Please enter your Registration Number : Now registered to : Invalid Registration NumberU 2Q<0rW<9wS h m ~ ( 3 8 B M R \ d i n "J"_"s"x" #"#'#M#W#\#p# $!$-$ %)%H%d% & &-&2&D&I&b&g&y&~& '4'E'M' ("('(0(D(I(d( FON File AllocationU WAIT - Undoing last Change " No FBK file, cannot undo changes. # WAIT - Writing Phone Book to Disk LoadFON Error loading FON file. Fixing entries. U The Forbin Project BBS 1-319-233-6157'IO error creating Phone Directory file.)Drive Full or invalid filename specified.U % 8 a x &;U!ut&;E ) F T [?1;2c G